What is this site about?

My goal is to help software engineers improve their skills to write better code, build better systems and be all-around better engineers.
If you want to be happier and more effective in your day-to-day job I think you’ll find my content helpful.

What is Kaizen?

Kaizen is the Japanese word for continuous improvement. KAI means change. ZEN means for the better.
My belief is that making small improvements everyday will compound into dramatic results in the future.
In contrast to quick-fixes and diminished attention spans, I value consistency, persistence and a long-term outlook.
With that mindset, I want to help engineers improve in the following areas.

Core Technical Skills

How to learn new languages, frameworks, tools and platforms. This is the fun stuff we love as engineers.

Decision Making

How to accurately identify options and evaluate trade-offs when building systems. You could also call this design or architecture.

Mental Skills

How to develop the non-technical but equally important skills we sometimes overlook.
How to handle conflict, manage stress, manage time, overcome fears, give better presentations, etc.
Some people will call these soft-skills, others might call them people-skills. I like to call them mental-skills.