Category: Leadership

  • Why Your Stuck. Garbage In/Garbage Out

    In the early days of computing Garbage In/Garbage out was a common phrase to hear. It meant the quality of a programs output directly depends on the quality of the input. A deterministic algorithm follows a set of pre-programmed instructions because it can’t think for itself. Give the instructions bad input and you will…

  • Achieving Outcome Independence

    Outcome Independence is an idea you’ll hear about in Stoic philosophy. It means you are not emotionally invested in any particular outcome. You are confident in yourself and can handle whatever occurs, continuing to grow and move forward. It sounds simple in theory, but it’s extremely hard in practice. If you’re passionate about your…

  • Qualities of a Tech Lead

    Congratulations, you’re considered a “Technical Lead”. Maybe you were promoted and it’s your official title. Maybe you’re just really productive and your manager informally considers you the “lead” on the team. Some companies have formal hierarchies with official ranks and titles. Some may have flattened informal structures, some may be in the middle. Regardless…